Solunar info helps plan trips

With the addition of the one of the most comprehensive weather mobile applications around, the iAngler family of apps now provides even more information to users, whether on the water or maybe just thinking about going.

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Endorsements for our work

South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council has been working with iAngler to enhance information currently available on recreational fisheries in the South Atlantic Region. During its first year, data collected through an iAngler platform was considered when re-opening Red Snapper for an additional weekend.

Chip Collier, Ph.D., Fishery Biologist, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
American Sportfishing Association

The American Sportfishing Association is proud to endorse iAngler, which has been leading the way in increasing angler participation in this voluntary electronic reporting program as well as the use of its data by fisheries managers. For far too long, poor angler harvest data has created unacceptable levels of uncertainty and precaution in fisheries management decisions, ultimately reducing fishing opportunities. Voluntary electronic reporting has tremendous potential to improve the timeliness and accuracy of angler harvest estimates, which will lead to improved management and conservation of the fisheries resources we depend upon.

Mike Leonard, Conservation Director, American Sportfishing Association (ASA)
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute

iAngler has provided FWC with a great platform for collection of angler-based recreational fisheries data. In particular, information on what anglers release—i.e., fish that never makes it to the dock to be observed by samplers—has been a big help on stock assessments of Snook, Spotted Seatrout, Red Drum and other coastal fisheries. As a matter of fact, given our trust in the program, FWC is now engaging iAngler in the collection of Red Snapper data in the Gulf of Mexico.

Luiz Barbieri, Ph.D, Program Administartor, Marine Fisheries Research at Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
CCA Maryland

iAngler paved the way for recreational anglers to get into the fishery management game. Just like we did with Chesapeake Catch, any fishing group around the country can join in and build a local network of anglers that contribute to better fishing simply by going fishing and reporting a few easy details

David Sikorski, Executive Director CCA Maryland

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Don't worry - we won't spam you. Some of the recent topics we have talked about are how to be a better angler, Impact of Red Tide on Florida fishing, How snook length data collected stacks up with Federal Stock assessments

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